Characterization of glandular trichomes of Minthostachys verticillata“peperina” from northwest and central Argentina: relation with essential oil content – JBES

Martin Arteaga, Cristian E. Collado, Alejandra Gil

Institute of Biological Resources (INTA), Hurlingham, Bs. As., Argentina 2Department of Industrial Crops (FAUBA), C.A.B.A., Argentina

Key words: Minthostachys mollis, Essential oils, Genetic resources, Medicinal plants, Aromatic Plants.


Minthostachys verticillata is an endemic species in Argentina that shows higher contents of essential oils (EO %, v/w) in plants from the central area than in those from the northwest. Although the reason for this difference is still unknown, studies on species from this family indicate that the variation in essential oil yields could be due to genetic or environmental factors or their interaction, which modifies the number and size Continue reading Characterization of glandular trichomes of Minthostachys verticillata“peperina” from northwest and central Argentina: relation with essential oil content – JBES