Influence of indole acetic acid and indole butyric acid on root development and status of Andrographis elongata (Vahl) T. and. – an endemic medicinal plant of india

Chinnappan Alagesaboopathi

Department of Botany, Government Arts College (Autonomous),Salem – 636 007. Tamilnadu, India

Key words: Andrographis elongata, hormones, stem cuttings, propagation, root formation.


Present investigation has been attempted to enumerate the rooting respond of stem cuttings of worthiness endemic medicinal species Andrographis elongata T. And. which is usually used for various medicinal purposes. Due to over exploitation this species is disappearing from natural habitat hence its multiplication on commercial scale is recommended. Stem cuttings of Andrographis elongata are convenient to root. Treatment with Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Indole-3-Butyric Acid upgraded rooting and increased shoot growth in greenhouse under intermittent misting. IAA and IBA treated cuttings performed better in all growth parameters compared to control. The Maximum percentage of rooting was noted in IBA 1500 ppm (64.08%). The Maximum root length was recorded in IBA 2000 ppm (9.74 cm). The roots were abundant and branched in nature. The percentage of rooting and root distance improved by using plant growth regulators, either individually or together. The present study determines that vegetative propagation of these an endemic medicinal plant is feasible through purpose of plant growth regulators.

Get the original articles in Source: Volume 2, Number 4, April 2012

Published By: International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)

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